die Unterlagen-Nummer zwei.

See, here is an example of a sans-sleep night. Mind you, I did sleep from 7a-7p on Sunday, 27FEB05. Thus, I am doing quite well. Class is from 9a-1p (English, Architecture, Linguistics, Flight) and then it's back home to resume drawing.

Mr. CR has another thing coming. He emailed me:

You have the ability to set the standard of excellence in our class, but you are not seizing the opportunity. Becoming a good architect and designer takes commitment, perseverance and desire – you have demonstrated neither – up to this point.

I think he is wrong and I will prove it. He wants more commitment? He wants more perseverance? He wants more desire? FINE.

Zurück zu dem Zeichnen!


die Unterlagen-Nummer eins.

I know I have yet to grace you with any architecty entries, but I have been very busy. Like... Many nights of not sleeping and much-much drawing.